Rosebud Circuit Joint Reformation Service
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of God bringing back correct preaching and teaching of the Gospel through his servant Martin Luther, the churches of the WELS Rosebud circuit are hosting a joint worship service on October 29.
The service begins at 11:30 AM Central Time, and will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota. All the pastors from the circuit will participate in the service, an in addition, Reverend Mark Zarling who serves as the President of Martin Luther College will preach.
After the service, there will be a potluck and activities for kids.
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Offering - members are encouraged to bring their normal offering. If an offering is in an envelope, it will be counted and sent to the church of origin. Any loose offerings (cash not in a marked envelope) will be donated to the Wartburg Project for its continuing work with the EHV Bible translation.
Holy Communion - will be offered at this service. Due to the number of people expected, the supper will be served with continuous distribution. One pastor will serve the bread/body and a second pastor will serve the wine/blood. After all communicants have been served, the blessing will be spoken.
Joint Choir - All members of participating congregations are invited to participate in a joint choir. Speak to your pastor or choir director for music and practice times.
Participating Congregations
Zion, Bonesteel, SD
St Paul, Naper, NE
Grace, Burke, SD
Zion, Colome, SD
Trinity, Winner, SD
St John, Brewster, NE
St John, Witten, SD
Zion, Valentine, SD
Zion's, Mission, SD
Our Redeemer's, Martin, SD
Rock of Ages, Gordon, NE
One of the most popular symbols of Lutheranism and the Reformation, the Luther Rose or Luther Seal shows the cross and redemption of Jesus at the center of the Christian's life.
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 1217 E 7th St, Winner, SD, 57580.